temriiin 19 page 107 mate plzz 2024.

hello pleaas temrin 19 page 107

dsl القعدة القعدة
هذا هو الحل نتمنى نكون افدتك
التمثيل او ساهل
السؤال التاني هو المهم
مي ريتاج نسرين وفاة و كفاة الحل صحيح وفهمتك روعة انشاء الله ربي يوفقك في دراستك ولي حاجة تحتاجيها انا او هنا
ريتاج سيرين
merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bff

exercice de math 79 page 34 science 2024.

salut a toutes et a tous
je suis en 2as science

quelque un peut me donner la correction de l’exercice de maths 79 page 34 merci d’avence c’est un devoir qui compt et j’ai pas bien compris l’exercice et encore merci:biggrin:

evaluation certivicative page 90 1as 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
من فضلكم يا إخواني أريد حلا للنشاط الموجود في الصفحة 90 من كتاب الفرنسية السنة الأولى ثانوي فلا تبخلوني وشكرا

ههههههههههه و الله يا خويا حنا رانا في الصفحة 40

كي نلحقوها نبعتهالك ههههههههههه

و حوس في googleعلى فرنسي اولى ثانوي نورمالمون تلقى ان شاء الله


write it up page 68 2024.

السلام عليكم… ان شاء الله تكونوا كامل بخير و عافية
Write it up page 68 للسنة الثانية ثانوي شعبة العلوم التجريبية
إليكم الحل:
Ladies and gentlemen… solar energy
First during winter, outside air is captured by warm glass roof panels
Then this warm air is forced down into a water tank, by an air handling unit
Next the water in the tank is heated and greater quantities of warm water air are released
The hot air is then sent down a duct to the crawlspace in under-floor area
After that warm air rises through floor registers to the living space

Finally, some of the heated air is absorbed by concrete slabs. It is released at night
This process is reversed during summer

thank you

You’re welcome

Task page 58//help // 2024.

i write to seek your help
please i need your help

Think , pair , share

write an opinion article developing the statements in italics in the diagram following the outlined procedure below
i have not time to write it

( that in the book page 58 )

i write reason 1, 2 but i amالقعدةurrender:القعدةcared:in the 3rd one
please help me

عاونوني ربي ينجحكم
قبل الاربعاء الله يوفقكم
للأسف مزال ما لحقناش ..

بآرك الله فيك أختي مي هذا درناه وصايي
راني نهدر على الثاني لي يهدر على لاكنتر فاصون
ربي يحفظك يا بنت البلاد
أنتظر مساعدة من الاعضاء مشكووووووووووووورين
Think, pair, share

Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be compensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles

هاوليك حنونة كتبوهولنا هكدا مي هدا مقرر على اساتدة انتي اداحبيتي تكتبيه يلزم عليك نقصي منو
Some people argue that counterfeiting benefits consumers by giving them access to lower-price goods. This is a totally mistaken claim. First, imitated goods are poor quality and do not last long. There is then no guarantee of value for money and more importantly, that fake goods are safe. Imagine how much damage low quality parts fitted in a car can do to the driver and passengers when they fail!
Secondly, if we think of fake foods or medicines, and the criminal procedures used by the people who make them, we can only remain firm on buying genuine products. There are several cases of substitute edibles which have caused dangerous diseases to people and which have resulted in long-lasting law suits. The outcomes could only be compensations paid for irreparable damage but the moral damage caused to the victims can never be repaired! Recent figures released by the European Union show that the customs are confiscating 100 million fake items every year.
Thirdly, it is highly immoral to reap where other people have sown. Pirating products is indeed imitating other people’s property, and refusing to engage in a creative act. It is much more rewarding to turn one’s abilities to creating new objects of value that could serve the community, or improve the performance of existing ones.
Fourthly, pirating objects is by essence theft, especially when the producer of a fake item affixes the label of a well-known trade mark on it. Some countries are notorious for their practice of counterfeit objects. One wouldn’t like Algerians to be known for practising this dubious trade, as much as one wouldn’t like to see them buy cheap, fake products and head into unsuspected troubles.

ربي يحفظكم وبوغفكم ان شاء الله جيبو الباك افاك مونسيو
ربي يحفظكم
كنت حابة الثالث والرابع
ضرك نهز ليدي ونعاود نكتب ارتيكل مع لgروب ونحطولكم هنا
هاو ليكم وصوري على ردائة الخط