تصحيح امتحان اللغة الانجليزية 2024.

:Part one
:A/ Reading comprehension
Activity one
: Choose a, b or c

:Before the internet, the British used to

b. listen to news
:They used to watch the news on TV
b. once a day
.Activity two: Read the text and answer the following sentences

People in Britain used to read the newspaper on the train while travelling to work and on way home

Things became more complicated first, 24 hour TV arrived, and then the internet
They ………people

:Activity three
:Words or phrases that are closest in meaning to

Probably = Possibly
Different = Other

:Words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to

Hard ……..easy

B/ Mastery of language

Activity one: Supply punctuation and capitals where necessary

. The most popular print newspaper in Britain is the “Sun

:Activity two

Didn’t use to

.Activity three: Complete the following table

Complicated _ more complicated _ most complicated
Easy _ easier _ easiest
Big _ bigger _ biggest

Activity four:
Circle the silent letters

Listen – would – while – work

Part two: Written expression

الحمد الله خدمة بارك الله فيك اخي
بالتوفيق للجميع

ta9drou tgoulou khdemt fih hada
work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
normalement o c pas r

خددمتت غير في تاع الافعاال درتهم كامل في الباست سيمبل ….
الحمد لله بالنسبة لهذا التصحيح كلشي درته صحيح
غير complicated مادرتش في لا كاز تاعها
رحت درت فيها adjectif راح في بالي للي تحتها واش اسمهم

اترك تعليقاً

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