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AhLaM AnGleملخص دروس الانجليزية 2024.

  • بواسطة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ان شاء الله راح نكتبلك كل واش قرينا هنا باش نريvيزي في نفس الوقت راح نعونك باش كامل نجيبوا الباك by god
so follow and you will be the best

the first unit 01
/the past ancient civilizations/
ancient :mean very old
civilization: is the lifeslyle of people in the past
* the world knew a lot of civilization
but only few of them had been known
thanks to ruins buildings moments
sumerian cv
it emerged in mesopotamia /the land between rived

-they were city states organized around a temple ruled by a priest
-many innovations were attributed to summerians
-units of time /the division of dry into 24 hours /
egyption cv
it is very important & specialy in the bac exam
the world of ancient egyptions is one of the most inhistory . egyption built huge pyramids . temples . places and tombs. their painting are the most splendid ever created
they were unites under the control of one single king the /phara -oh/
they thought that life continued after death . that’s why they preserved their dead as mumies .
indus valley cv
it is now pakisten – india .their economy was mostly agricultural they depends on rivers
-they were the first to grow cotton.
they developed a system of weight

ok حنونة يسلمو
ان شاء الله راني نستنى
بالتوفيق يارب

never mine
we have in grammar
1-indefinite/a .an/
link words or what we call
we use conjunctions to join sentenses together.
when we use them there are often to possibilities:
*start with the conjunction /and the passt that follow it .
*put the conjuction between the two parts of sentence.
EX;ifyou need help please ask me
when you are in london phone us orphone us;when you are in london
to express cause
we use
because+subject+verb+.the rest
because of + noun
is/are due to
owing to
to e xpress consequence/effect
we use
so/consequently/ as a result /there fore
to express purpose
to /in order to/so az to/ so that
to express contrast
unlike/while/whereas/on the contrary

ok هزيتو
Gives wellnessالقعدة
god bless you

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