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The recipe couscous 2024.

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The recipe couscous

couscous is a traditional famous dish in algerian .it is made of semoulina. that is mixed with water is a certaim methad to obtain small grain . twice in the first twice .we add some water and salt in the second twice we add sone fatter
couscous is served with a soup prepared with onions turnips garlic courgettés .meat ..tomatoes. oil. salt
it is usmally cooked in occassion such as aid , weddings


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مشكورة عالطلة الجميلة

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نوررررررررتى موضوعى

تحياتى لكى

the first observation that i take ..
we never said: famous dish in algerian
but thx ^^

شكرا لمرورك المتميز
you have a mstks in orthographe because we say in algria or algerien but never say in algerien ………..thankyou so much 7biiiiiiba……<3

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