الاسم الانجليزي : Dumb cane (القصب الأخرس
والمادة السامة أملاح اوكسالات الكالسيوم الإبرية ، كذلك يحوي قلويدات وكلوكسيدات وصابونيات .
أعراض التسمم :
شوكولا الأخرس،أذن الفيلDumb cane
ينتمي للعائلة القلقاسية Araceae
عند مضغ أجزاء النبات النضرة فإن اللسان وأغشية الفم المخاطية تتورم وتصبح حمراء مؤلمة حارقة. يحدث إلعاب وصعوبة بالبلع.
بالحالات الشديدة تزول القدرة على الكلام لعدة أيام.
يوجد منه عدة انواع اشهرهم شيوعاً :
ديفنباخيا اميونا D. Amoena , Tropicsnow
ديفنباخيا مبرقشة ( D.Seguina ( Exotica
ديفنباخيا بكتا D.Picta
ديفنباخيا كاميليا D. Camiili
ديفنباخيا مارينن D. Marianne
ديفنباخيا فيرى D. Veerie
The cells of the Dieffenbachia plant contain needle-shaped calcium oxalatecrystals called raphides. If a leaf is chewed, these crystals can cause a temporary burning sensation and erythema. In rare cases, edema of tissues exposed to the plant have been reported. Mastication and ingestion generally result in only mild symptoms.[2] With both children and pets, contact with dieffenbachia (typically from chewing) can cause a host of unpleasant symptoms, including oral irritation, excessive drooling, and localized swelling.[3] However, these effects are rarely life-threatening. In most cases, symptoms are mild, and can be successfully treated with analgesic agents,[4] antihistamines,[5] or medical charcoal.[6] Gastric evacuation or lavage is "seldom"[6] indicated.[4] Jennifer S. Boyle, MD, PharmD, and Christopher P Holstege, MD, note that, "In a large retrospective study of 188 patients with plant oxalate exposure, all cases were determined to be minor and all resolved with minor or no treatment." [4] They also note that, "In patients with exposure to toxic plants, 70% are children younger than 5 years."
The calcium salt of oxalic acid (calcium oxalate) is found in a house plant called Dumb Cane. The plant was used as a way to punish prisoners and slaves. They were forced to chew one of the leaves. Intense pain in the mouth and throat would follow and the person could not speak (That’s why it’s called Dumb Cane). Dumb in the sense of deaf and dumb. In the leaves of Dumb Cane are cells with needles of calcium oxalate. When chewed, these cells explode and shoot these needles of calcium oxalate into the mouth. So this contributes to the pain of this salt of oxalic acid. Calcium oxalate is the main ingredient in kidney stones.