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طلب مساعدة بليييييييييزأحتاجه غداااااا . 2024.

لو سمحتم أريد حل تمرين رقم4 صفحة130
لمادة الانجليزية
أرجوا المساعدة ……………..

ولكل من ساعدني له جزيل الشكرالقعدة


the singer is sinkin in a dangerous swiming pul- A – the banker who is sitting on the bang is singin a song ماعليش تعاونوني في حل تمرين الفرنسية ص 152 نحتاجو لغدوة

The journalist asked rafik where the women were going all together. Rafik replied that they were taking food to their neighbours who had lost their homes.He said that people had always helped each other over there and he added that that earthquake had considerably increased that sense of neighbourliness


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