تعلم النجليزية learn english fast 2024.

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ان شاء الله نستفيد منه
شكرا اختي
جزاك الله خيرا

merci pour ce site

teacher book of english and corrections of activities 2as 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
teacher book of english and corrections of activities 2as


English LMD 2 year 2024.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

الى طلبت اللغة الانجلزية ..

ممكن تخبروني قسم التخصص اللغة الانجليزية lmd السنة الثانية واش راح يقروا ؟؟

كم مادة؟ و هل هي نفسه تع السنة الاولى؟ هل يوجد معنا لغة اخر؟

les module ili takrawhom fi 2eme année anglais sont:
american and british civilization
research methodology
written expression
2nd lge frensh or german or spanish
international law
educational psycology
media or communicatio

i wish u the best luck

The internet user guide project of english 2024.

hello my freinds

its my first project to me in this forum
This my project in English
I hope that you like
I wish to hear your answers
القعدةthank you

Où avez vous???!!!
ANY oNE ArE HeRe ????

beautiful english story 2024.

عمياء وكرهت كل شي

There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind , She

hated everyone , except her loving boyfriend , He was always
there for her , She told her boyfriend , ( If I could only see
the world , I will marry you )

كان هناك بنت فاقدة البصر ، كَرهتْ نفسها لأنها كَانتْ عمياءَ، وكرهت كُلّ شخص في الدنيا ، ماعدا خليلِها المحبِّ ، وهو الذي كَانَ دائماً بقربها .

أخبرتْ الفتاة خليلَها : فقط إذا تمكنت أَنْ أَرى العالم ، فسَأَتزوّجُك
One day , someone donated a pair of eyes to her , When the bandages came off , she was able to see everything , including her
في أحد الأيام تبرع شخص ما بزوج من العيونِ إليها ، وعندما تم إزالة الضمادات ، أصبحت الفتاة قادرة على رُؤية كُلّ شيءِ ، بما في ذلك حبيبها ..!!!

He asked her: (Now that you can see the world, will you marry me ?)
The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind too , The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her , She hadn’t expected that , The thought of looking at them the rest of her life , led her to refuse to marry him.
سَألَها : (الآن بما أَنْ بإمكانك أن تَشاهدي العالمَ ، هَلْ ستَتزوّجُينني) ؟ ‘ نَظرتْ البنتُ إلى خليلِها وكانت مفاجأة لها أنه كَانَ أعمى ، وجفونِه المُغلقةِ صَدمتْها ، وهي التي ما كَانت لتتوقع ذلك ، وفكرت بأنها ستقضي بقية حياتها إلى جواره ؟؟؟ مما دفعها لرفْض الزَواج به.

Her boyfriend left in tears , Days later wrote a note to her saying :
( Take good care of your eyes , my dear , for before they were yours , they were mine )
تَركَها باكياً وبَعْدَ أيام كَتبَإليهامُلاحظة : ( رجاءً إعتني كثيراً بعينيِكَ يا حبيبتي ، فقد كانتا عيناي من قبل )
This is how the human brain often works , when our status changes ,
Only a very few remember what life was like before , and who was always by their side in the most painful situations .

هكذا دماغ الإنسان يَعْملُ في أغلب الأحيان، عندما تَتغيّرُ منزلتنا ، فقطالقليل جداً يَتذكّرُ ما كانت حياتنا قبل ذلك ، وكيف كنا دائماً إلى جانبِهم في الحالاتِ الأكثر ألماً .
Life Is a Gift of ALLAH
الحيــــــــــــــاة هديــــــــــة الله
Today before you say an unkind word – Think of someone who can’t

من اليوم وقبل أن تتلفظ بأي شيء غير لطيف ، فكر بالذين لا يستطيعون الكلام ..!!!
Before you complain about the taste of your food – Think of someone
who has nothing to eat.
وقبل أن تنتقد الطعام الذي تتذوقه ، فكر بمن ليس لديهم شيء يأكلونه ..!!!

Before you complain about your husband or wife – Think of someone
who’s crying out to ALLAH for a companion.
وقبل أن تنتقد زوجتك أو زوجك ، فكر بمن يتضرع إلى الله للحصول على زوج أو زوجة ..!!!
Today before you complain about life – Think of someone who went
too early to heaven
وقبل أن تعترض على الحياة فكر بمن سبقك مبكراً إلى السماء ..!!!

Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who
walks the same distance with their feet.
وقبل أن تشكو من طول المسافة التي تقودها بسيارتك ، فكر بمن يقطعون نفس المسافة على أقدامهم .!!!
And when you are tired and complain about your job – Think of the
unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your
وعندما تتعب وتشكو من عملك ، فكر بمن ليس لديه وظيفة مثل وظيفتك وعاطل عن العمل ..!!!

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down – Put a smile on
your face and think: you’re alive and thank’s ALLAH.
وعندما تبدأ أفكارك بإحباطك ، أرسم إبتسامة على وجهك وفكر بأنك ما زلت حياً وأشكر الله على نعمه كلها .!!!

woonderfuuul story
thanks a lot Sis

Life Is a Gift of ALLAH
i like it thank u so much

مذكرة تخرج English for specific purposes 2024.

help me pleeeeaaaaaaaaase
انا طالبة سنة 3 انجليزية
ابحث عن مواضيع من مجال
English for specific academic purposes
و جديدة في هاد المجال
لعدم وجود استاذ مشرف للاسف
القعدة القعدةالقعدة

hello sister

i duno if i can help u ,, but the topics we delt with in ESP are Media, Marketing, Journalism ..etc

try to to choose ur topic according to the books u hv

Good Luck

may allah help you and bienn with u sister

(english lesson plan (middle school 2024.

القعدةأرجو المساعدة من الإخوة أساتدة اللغة الإنجليزية مساعدتي في كيفية صنع خطة درس (lesson plan ) للسنة الأولى والثالثة متوسط هدا عامي الأول في التدريس وليست لدي أية فكرة القعدة

إذا ارتقت العقول بِـ أفكارها طابت الألسُن بِـ حديثها
والأصابع بحروفها

1st year LMD English courses 2024.

hello everybody ,, hw r u ??

hope that u r doing good and passing great times

for 1st year LMD student of English

today i hv some lessons that we delt with in our first year

i’ll start with the hardest module " linguistic"
language and linguistics
ling – Download – 4shared
pho – Download – 4shared
morph – Download – 4shared
we delt also with syntax and semantic

the 2nd : research methodology
this is a sammary which is simple and helpful
metho – Download – 4shared

the 3rd: written expression
parts of speech
parts of speech – Download – 4shared
phrases and clauses
phrases nd clauses – Download – 4shared
parts of sentence
parts of sentence – Download – 4shared
and we delt with subordination and coordinatin

the 4th:ESP English for Specific Purposes
ESP – Download – 4shared
some topics :
topics – Download – 4shared


thanks alot dear
best regards

u r welcome dear
thank you very much darling
thank u very much

u r wlcm sister

happy 3id

exampl of second term english exam 2024.

Level: 2AS scientific streams

Read the text carefully then do the activities

On April 22, 1990, more than 200 million people from 140 nations joined in celebration of Eath day in one of the largest demonstration in history . The participants spent the day panting trees, protesting industrial pollution. Learning how to recycle waste, and calling out to world leaders to pass new laws to protect the plant’s environment.
Many years later, there is unfortunately still much to heal. The list of environment problems plaguing the planet is long and growing. Many, such as global warming and depletion of the ozone layer, were unknown just a decade ago. However, there is reason for optimism. Solutions are being developed and progress is being made.
The progress can be measured in the fight to control air pollution. Industrial plants and motor vehicles pump out several hundred million tons of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and soot into the air every year as waste products. But technological advances that were not around two decades ago have reduced the flow of these contaminants into the atmosphere. Scrubbers and other devices filter the gases emitted by factories trapping much of the waste produced catalytic converters make car engines work more efficiently and reduce the amount of smog- producing compounds released into the air.

Section I: reading comprehension
1- Are there any passive sentences in the text? if so, how many?
2- Are these statements true, false or not mentioned?
a) Very few people demonstrated in the earth day
b) Air pollution causes many illnesses
c) The environmental problems are increasing
3- Answer these questions according to the text
a) Why did people demonstrate on April 22, 1990?
b) What are the enviromental problems mentioned in the text?
c) Is the writer optimistic about the future of Earth? why?
4- What the underlined words refer to in the text
Were (§2) …, that (§3) …, these (§3) …
5- Find in the text word or phrases that are closest in meaning to:
a) to cure = (§2) ……………………….. b) quantity = …………………….
6- Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite to:
a) less # (§1) ………………………… … b) increase # (§3) ……………….

Section II: Languages practice
1) Give the past simple and paste participle of these verbs.
smell – understand – forget
2) Give the nouns and the adjectives of these verbs:
to think – to pollute – to develop
3- Rewrite sentence (B) so that it means the same as sentence (A)
1) a- The police have found the boy. The boy disappeared last week
b- The police have found the boy ………………………… ……………
2) a- Polutted water can be treated
b- ………………………… ………………………… ………………………..
3) a- We don’t fight water related disease. People die.
b- If ………………………… ………………………… ………………………
4) Mark the stress on the following words:
Responsibility – democracy – technological – philosophy

Section III: written expression
Your town is organizing a clean campaign, taking as a slogan " keep your city tidy". As a citizen, you’ll of course take part in this operation. In few words, tell us: what can be done to keep your town beautifull and clean
– what measures must be taken for such a campaign to be succesfull?
The following notes may help you:
– The city beauty is every body’s concern
– Planting tress/ flowers/ regular irrigation
– Education children a culture of environment respect
– Participation in clean and reforestation campaigns.
القعدةالقعدة:regards 01:القعدة

باااارك الله فييييك اختي
وفيكي البركة ارجوا ان يستفيد الجميع وبالتوفيق

english 2024.

hi plz help me

mafhamtch wach ndir flfa9ra saf7a 35
western civilization is on of the world’s ………..
li3andou n7al yfahamna please

Saying it in writing (pp.34-35)
Western civilization is one of the world’s twenty-six civilizations. It started in Crete, the largest Greek island in the eastern Mediterranean sea, about 3,000 years ago. The civilization that rose in Crete was called the Minoan civilization because Crete at that time was under the rule of the legendary King Minos. Ancient Greek civilization originated more than 2,000 years ago on the shores of the Ionian and Aegean Seas. Ancient Greece made innovations in philosophy, politics, science, architecture, and the arts, and Greek culture forms the basis of Western civilization to this day. Then came the Roman civilization. … (To be continued by students)

nchlh nkouun 3awntéééééék القعدة